Sunday, April 11, 2010

You're either in or Your'e OUT!

"I've had many people walk into my life and made it great. I've also had many people walk out of my life and made it freaking fantastic!!!"

A friend of mine posted that as his status update on facebook and it got me thinking.....

Even though there have been people who have walked out of my life and left me with a broken heart it was and has been the best thing to ever happen to me. With every heartbreak I feel like amazing things have happened. Not that it hasn't been tough but I feel like I know who Madelyn is. In the end as much as it all hurts I learned to appreciate myself and really value the person that I am. As much as I hate what certain persons have done to me and I don't understand the whole "Everything happens for a reason" saying it remains engraved in my head because I KNOW one day I will get it...and though these lessons are grueling I am slowly starting to get it...I think!

No Pain No Gain I suppose.

So a big F' You to the A'Holes who have caused me pain but with my F'You also THANK YOU for doing me the favor of walking out because now I have the opportunity to find REAL LOVE and be truly happy :)

I will close out this blogging session with a SONG......

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