Since yesterday I have been trying to finish this awesome post BUT I have some audio I want to include with it an its not working!!!
UGHHHHHHHHHHH - Ayyyyyyyyyyyy! So frustrated about not being able to post yesterday or today .... it's funny as hell too BUT it needs the AUDIO!
Anyway today I am excited because we are half way there FRIDAY!
It's been a hell of a week...literally!
It doesn't help that Miami's weather is acting all WIGGITY WIGGITY WACK!
On some days, normally weekdays between 8-5 the weather is GORGEOUS.
Then on weekends Mother Nature likes to play Peek A Boo with the sun. Its so bad that I feel like I need to have my bikini in my bag so that when the sun is out I can take advantage and tan.
SO far this week , Monday's weather sucked big monkey balls and yesterday it was nice during the day and when I got out of work and went to go workout it rained and then got super wear a sweater cool! WTH!?!?
MIAMI please give me a day filled with sun and extreme UV RAYS --->>>
On a super brighter note....since I have not been alone with having a crappy week my friends and I have organized a Mid Week Happy Hour! YEYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Alcohol is needed in my system now in order to get through Thursday and Friday!
I can't wait :)