Saturday, April 10, 2010

I cheated with a Colombian Wiener!

Yes you heard me I CHEATED with a big COLOMBIAN WIENER!!!!

Now for you sicko-s out there thinking with the wrong head....the kind of wiener I am referring to is a
::Insert New York accent here::
Hwwwwwat Dwaaaaaaag!

So how was I cheating?
My friends & I have been working on our fitness and watching what we eat to prepare our Beach Bodies that have gone into hiding...Like Osama Bin Laden hiding!

My motivation for searching for this long lost BEACH BOD occurred was while looking at some pics from my trip to the Water Rapids.
HOLY F' BOMB! WHAT a wake up call!
I was like "Girlfriend! That relaxed muscle situation you got going in the abdomen is not be looking 4 months pregnant with twins!"

SO I have been working out pretty hardcore and eating right all week.
FYI & prob a lil TMI but my legs and thighs hurt so much that I rethink having to go pee to avoid doing anything that may resemble a squat position!

Now enough about that...

Allow me to introduce you to the Colombian Wiener that stole my heart

"Yellow Dog"

::provolone cheese, ketchup, mayo, mustard, pineapple sauce, their homemade sauce and crushed potato chips::

This marvelous Wiener is all thanks to the Yellow Submarine food truck
Food trucks have become the "IT" thing in Miami now FYI
You will find me posing with my Wiener/Lover for the night & yes a Diet helps fight the fat....DUHHHHH!?!?!?!?!


  1. damn, crushed potato chips make ANYTHING good! :) and take it from me, it's okay to cheat every once in a while. just keep up the good work. :)

  2. You make it seem worst than what it is. You definitely don't look like the person you describe in the narrative. About the weiner, its ok to cheat once in awhile :)

  3. Damaris: I know cheating isn't bad & to be honest I didn't regret good! A must see when you come back to Miami

    Manny: What can I say I am my own toughest critic!
