Friday, April 16, 2010

Morning Phone Call

I have just pushed the snooze button and am looking forward to my additional 9 minutes of sleep when my phone rings. It's 7:12 am! Who and why is someone calling me so early? I look at the screen and a picture of my dad appears.
First thought "something happened" then a split second later I thought "What does he want now?".
I know that's f'd up but you know that you have certain people who only call to complain or because they want something? Well my dad can sometimes fall under that category.

So I answer the phone and my dad asks if I was sleeping. I obviously answer with a lie "No I was just about to jump in the shower". Why do I have to lie? Because I should be up and already out of the shower AND I didn't want to make him feel bad for waking me up. The conversation goes into the typical "Que me cuentas? Que ay de nuevo?" [TRANSLATION: Tell me something...whats new?]

What caught me off guard is when my dad says to me "Sorry I didn't call you yesterday but I got busy, was stuck in traffic, when I got home it was dark, I ate and I just wanted you to know I didn't forget about you."

Talk about a total AWWWWWWWWWW moment!

I felt like shit after that because there I was when the phone was first ringing thinking "What does this man want?"

My dad may never know but that made my day :)

1 comment:

  1. definite awwwww moment.

    he looks like a sweet and lovable man.
