Friday, May 7, 2010

I Soooo HEART Fridays

Haaaaaa-lowwwwwwwwww People! I have been missing I know, I know! I am a terrible blogger!
Are just amazing aren't they?
Something about Fridays but you can feel it in the air.
I know for a fact that I am exuding HAPPINESS :)

On Fridays everyone says good morning with a genuine smile
People have a natural pep in their step on Fridays!
At work on Fridays my coworkers are humming tunes, laughing, & they are not stingy or greedy.
They bring loafs of Cuban bread and pastelitos to help with the diet!

{ Proof of the CUBAN BREAD ... Too bad no one likes the BUTT }

Friday is to me what Justin Bieber is to a 12 yr old girl!!!!
Hands in the air!
Throwing panties!
Yelling out...
"I lovvvvvve You Friday!!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. i love fridays too!!!

    that's why i wish it were friday NOW!!!
