Monday, February 22, 2010

I am a BLOG Thief

My close friend Emma who is also a fellow blogger ( had a post about something she is wishing for. Interesting enough the other day in my PSYCH class we had an assignment to write REALISTIC attainable wishes.

Allow me to share mine with you
  • I wish that one day I can perform on a Broadway musical
  • I wish that I can have a big family (you know Dugger style...LOL! Not so big but 3 at least)
  • I wish once I am a mom that I am a MILF
  • I wish that I can be brave enough to pack up all my SH%T and move out of Miami ... ALONE
  • I wish that I can find a husband who values family and marriage the way I do
  • I wish that when I am FINALLY a teacher that I leave a positive impact on my students life ( It would be awesome if on those secret security questions when someone is asked "Who was your favorite teacher?" That my name is the answer)
  • I wish that I will be able to provide my children with the privilege of being able to be involved in multiple activities (BMX, karate, sports, guitar lessons, etc)
  • I wish that one day I can be an expert ballroom dancer
  • I wish that ONE day I will be able to take a month long vacation and travel NON STOP for those 30 days
  • I wish that I will be confident and believe in myself ALWAYS
  • I wish that I one day I can have my own TALK SHOW (AN idea is in the works BTW)
  • I wish that when I am 80 that I will be able to look at my husband and still feel butterflies (At that age any sensation in the stomach may be just GAS but hey I am sure when you find your soul mate and are MADLY in LOVE "IT" will always be there...even if it takes a bit to recognize it because of the Alzheimer's)
  • I wish that I had the option NOT TO WORK
  • I wish that Lady Gaga were my friend in real life...not pretend
  • I wish I can turn Ricky Martin STRAIGHT
For a long time these things seemed so far fetched but you know what ALL of these things are attainable! I am realistic and know that there is a possibility that many of these things may not happen BUT a girl can dream....Can't make things happen and be big if you don't dream

1 comment:

  1. stop thinking about it and pack your stuff and live in CLT for a year, there is nothing better than having your families support when moving to another state, besides you're young and this is the time to take risks, if you don't like it you can always go back to Miami, you might just find your future husband here, either way CLT is full of new experiences for you to enjoy, love your cousin
